Run by members and always welcome to new ones...
Learn More Become a MemberKirkby Lonsdale M.C. was founded in 1955 at the Royal Hotel, Kirkby Lonsdale by a group of Motorsport enthusiasts.
We put on Historic and Targa and Road Rally Series as well as helping run the Barbon Hillclimb for cars, Malcolm Wilson Rally and Pendragon Stages.
Round 4 12 Car Series 30th January Rod Carter Map 102/97
Last nights event saw 10 crews navigate the challenging route around Littledale and Dolphinholme. The instant reroute was to aroid the RTC at Quernmore but that plotted they happily went on their way.
This was Rod's first time as an organiser and he realised not everything is straight forward!
Although Phil Savage, Gareth Adams and Katy Mashiter helped, the first control was down to him.
Results will be posted here in a while but we wanted to share the video.
Most of our 12 cars use RallyApp which means the route is in the app and all cars need to carry a phone logged in. When they reach a control or a give way they need to wait until the app tells them to leave and then it logs their direction of approach, time etc. This infomation is them sent back and populates the spread sheet for the results. If signal isnt available at any point it stores the data and sends it next time it can, clever eh!
KLMC History
To celebrate Kirkby Lonsdale Motor Club's history and the competitors who made it, we commissioned Mike Garstang to compile the history. They are on sale from the Club for £14.95 plus postage. If you would like a copy please contact .
Plans are well underway for the 2024/25
KLMC 12 Car Series dates on events page
A few months ago I thought it would be good idea to resurrect the Stuff the Turkey Treasure Hunt as it was to good an event to forget about, We asked its founder and mentor Mike Kirk if he was happy for me to take over, Mike has not been well lately ( get well soon Mike )
But he was happy that someone would take it on, A date was set as 29th December which just happens to be Mikes birthday!
We had 10 cars start from the Punch Bowl, Barrows Green, It would have been more but illness caused some to withdraw. The route took crews from the start through Sedgwick, Heaves, and Brigsteer woods to Helsington Church, where crews had to stretch their legs to look for clues around the viewpoint, Back in the cars it was back down the hill again, as Kendal is cut off from here due to the closed bridges on this side of Kendal,
From Brigsteer the clues continued through to Underbarrow, Crook, through to Burneside then over to the A6 and Skelmergh up onto the length of Paddy lane with the last bit being over the Helm road to the finish, back where they started only 25 miles but 79 clues to solve.
Cars returned after about 3 hours, Roughly the same time that it takes to set it, with one or two still out looking for clues till dark.
1st Anders family with 56 ½
2nd Blue wolf Team Meiring 52 ½
3rd Sedgwick Pirates Neil and Debs Harrison 52
4th Whitelock Junior team 51
5th Tony and Marina Harrison 44 ½
6th Andrew and Judith Knowles 44
7th Catherine and Austin Bell 39
8th Team Snail Brian Bradley 38
9th The Salts 36 ( whole event topless )
10th Team Twonkey Mark Stone 27 ½ But they only did 2/3 of the route having missed a junction at Crook, so no bragging rights on his radio show!
Thanks to all who entered and we hope to see you again next year Miles
Pendragon Stages 2025 on Warcop on Sunday 11 May
The format will be the similar to previous years with 8 stages totalling 65 miles.
Marshals should contact Martin Dentice on 077935 55986
See our photo gallery of pictures taken by our members from various events across the years.
See GalleryBeing affiliated to Motorsport UK and a number of associations including:
enables members to compete in events organised by other clubs within the associations and also gives the Club a voice at National and Regional level.